Monday, June 29, 2009

The second hat

Here is the second hat.
For me.
The cables around the bottom form owls.
My first go at cables, I'm a bit apprehensive, cables on double pointed needles aren't easy - needles sticking everywhere.

I am involved in a Ravelry knit-a-long tied to the Tour de France.
My goal is to finish as many works in progress as possible. I think I have lined this one up as a warm up lap as I might have it finished before the TdF starts... I have plenty more unfinished things!
I'm on the "Silence-Lotto" team, we'll be barracking for Cadel Evens.
(Which on a side note, takes me back to when I was pregnant with the boy wonder 2 years ago. I ended up sitting up late at night watching the Tour as it was the only show on tv that gave me enough light to knit by with out having to turn the bedside light on. It was exciting to watch Cadel then, and I think I may have stuck 'Cadel' on the list of possible names, but my dear husband vetoed it pretty quickly, he wasn't sitting up and watching the TdF! I finished the jumper but didn't sew it together before The Boy Wonder made an appearance so maybe I should finish it this time's soooooo tiny compared to the great big thing he is now.)

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