Saturday, January 22, 2011

The No-Edge-Vest

My little boy is turning into a fashionista.
He can be quite fussy about what he wears - at the moment it's either Thomas the Tank Engine or Toy story.

A while ago I made him a vest that had crochet round the neck and arm holes but no band on the bottom, when I wanted to make him another vest as the previous one was sitting above his belly button, he held it up to me and said 'like this Mama' and rolled up the bottom. He didn't want a rib edge. In fact when I queried him he didn't want an edge on any of it.

So he picked out the yarn at the shop by rubbing it under his chin to make sure it was soft and the colours were what he liked - he wanted green in it as well but I couldn't come at mixing olive green in here... it's not my colour.

So we got some zhivago (or imitation zhivago) and I started.

If you look closely the red and blue stripes are actually exactly the same size, crossing over in the middle. That maths took a while but I like the effect.
It does look like there's more blue though.

And here's the cheeky little monkey modelling. It was pretty hot the day I asked him to put it on so he was not too impressed and happens to have pyjama bottoms on and a singlet.
Prince Charming.
Doing some fancy model shots.

Showing off.

The pattern? Well I just winged it.

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