Sunday, February 12, 2012

Christmas PJs

 I may have mentioned before that I make lots of pairs of pyjamas that don't ever make and appearance here.  My kids love their handmade pjs - why they won't wear other things I make is still beyond me.

Here are a couple of pairs that I made for Christmas.
Master 4 is still going through his Kenny the Koala phase (will it ever end?) and I found this cute Christmas Koala material in Spotlight before Christmas.  
It's just a light cotton but perfect as the nights cool down.

 I tried to applique a koala on the tshirt - it looks a bit better in real life.
 Miss 7 loves shiny material (Master 4 hates it) so she got scotty dogs and a bone on her tshirt.
 The only problem with the satin ones is that she's so active in them the seams come apart even with over locking and running two or three rows of stitching down them.

1 comment:

  1. These are very cool! Im going to have to make some for my little one once she is big enough

    Thanks for sharing :)
