Monday, October 18, 2010

Tendrillon Testing

I jumped at the chance to test another pattern by the designer of DD's favourite skirt.
Tendrillon Shrug (Ravelry Link)

This one is a shrug and I decided I'd make it for DD, this meant it had to be in an acrylic blend.
I chose Patons Zhivago in pink, mainly because it was in my stash and I knew I had enough and that I could keep accurate measurements, especially yardage.
The pattern has a cable running through it that looks very tendril like.
DD asked that it was firm around her arms but I did worry that it would be too small!
I worked hard at it so it flew along, but it ate yarn!
The good news is DD loves it. *phew*

1 comment:

  1. Lovely looking work Penny, and it's just as well we have a sense of humour with your young lady's smile in the last photo.
